The participation of Stakeholders: a key factor in responsable management of the organisation Ir al contenido principal


Abierta la inscripción a la X edición del Máster Interuniversitario en Ética y Democracia

Abierta la fase de   preinscripción  a la X edición del Máster Interuniversitario en Ética y Democracia de la Universitat Jaume I, que cuenta con docentes de la talla de   Domingo García-Marzá ,   Elsa González-Esteban  y   Ramón Feenstra . Edificado sobre valores como la Innovación, la calidad, la proximidad, la participación y la mejora continua, el Máster en Etica y Democracia ofrece dos principaleslíneas de especialización: 1) Filosofía política, con materias que profundizan en diferentes aspectos vinculados con la teoría de la democracia. Sus contenidos capacitan al alumnado para desarrollar un pensamiento crítico aplicable a la investigación académica, la formación y a ámbitos profesionales como la administración pública, las organizaciones políticas y el periodismo político. 2) Éticas aplicadas, con contenidos centradas en el ámbito de la ética económica y empresarial y la Responsabilidad Social. Sus materias capacitan al alumnado ...

The participation of Stakeholders: a key factor in responsable management of the organisation

Patrici Calvo, 15/03/10.
The current crisis has shown that we are not facing a merely economic problem, but in fact something much more profound which affects society's trust in organisations. It is above all a question of the values and principles that have guided business in recent decades. These values and principles have led to organisations failing to achieve their inherent social purpose: that of meeting human needs. This has led companies to lose sight of the reason for their existence, thereby creating mistrust within the society of which it is a part, and from which it obtains the resources necessary to be able undertake its activities.

Meeting the demands of a Corporate Social Responsibility that is based on solid ethical foundations - ethos, prudential reason and justice - and considered from the perspective of participation by all the Stakeholders in the organisation's management, could be a key factor in minimising the harmful effects of the current recession as much as is possible, re-establishing trust from society, and fostering the prevention of possible future cases. With the participation by all their Stakeholders in a dialogue that is as egalitarian and symmetrical as possible, organisations can gradually create a culture that meets the current expectations of society and can thereby once again regain its trust.
